Jason Beneciuk, PT, DPT, PhD, MPH, FAAOMPT, research assistant professor in the Dept. of Physical Therapy and Brooks Rehabilitation research scientist, will serve as co-investigator on a project titled The Aging and Integrative Pain Assessment and Management Initiative (AI-PAMI) alongside Principle Investigator Sophia Sheikh, MD, assisitant professor in the Dept. of Emergency Medicine at the UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville.
The study, which received a $275,000 grant from the Florida Blue Foundation, will address non-opioid pain management in adults ages 50 and older living in Northeast Florida. The overall goal of AI-PAMI is the advancement of innovative pain education and patient care through the development of provider and patient workshops focused on multi-modal and integrative pain management. The three-year study will encompass community outreach, education, quality improvement and research.