Beneciuk receives funding from Florida Blue Foundation

Jason Beneciuk

Jason Beneciuk, PT, DPT, PhD, MPH, FAAOMPT, research assistant professor in the Dept. of Physical Therapy and Brooks Rehabilitation research scientist, will serve as co-investigator on a project titled The Aging and Integrative Pain Assessment and Management Initiative (AI-PAMI) alongside Principle Investigator Sophia Sheikh, MD, assisitant professor in the Dept. of Emergency Medicine at the UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville.

The study, which received a $275,000 grant from the Florida Blue Foundation, will address non-opioid pain management in adults ages 50 and older living in Northeast Florida.  The overall goal of AI-PAMI is the advancement of innovative pain education and patient care through the development of provider and patient workshops focused on multi-modal and integrative pain management. The three-year study will encompass community outreach, education, quality improvement and research.