RSD faculty awarded NIH grant

Dr. David Clark, RSD facutly, headshot

Drs. David Clark, Todd Manini, Rachael Seidler, and colleagues have recently been awarded a five-year NIH U01 award for $5.4 million ($3.5m direct costs). The study is called “Mind in Motion”: Multimodal imaging of brain activity to investigate walking and mobility decline in older adults. This is a collaboration between the UF Departments of Aging and Geriatric Research, Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, Biomedical Engineering, and Biostatistics, as well as the VA Brain Rehabilitation Research Center.  Co-investigators are Drs. Dan Ferris, Chris Hass, Yenisel Cruz-Almeida, Marco Pahor, and Babette Brumback.

Additionally, Dr. Clark has received notice of intent to fund his four-year VA Merit award for $1.1 million. The study is called Cerebral networks of locomotor learning and retention in older adults. This is a collaboration between the VA Brain Rehabilitation Research Center and UF Departments of Aging and Geriatric Research, Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, Physical Therapy, Clinical and Health Psychology, and Biostatistics.   Co-investigators are Drs. Rachael Seidler, Adam Woods, Dorian Rose, Somnath Datta, and William Triggs.

Congratulations on these great accomplishments!